Sunday, February 12, 2006

“Certainly the grace, or given quality of any experience is in direct proportion to how much one participates in it.”



Day-mon-ic –
“Eros is a Daimonic” Plato
Any natural functions that has the power to take over the whole person.
Can be either creative or destructive and is usually both. Rollo May – Love and Will.
(If you don’t know what Eros is- please look it up. Not just in a dictionary but in life itself; you’ll be glad you did.)

Daimonic -It’s a word that co-created itself in my life, bringing me to a reading that seemed to stand out, like a unique memory that constantly evolves you; evolves whenever you decide to think about it, or whether it whispers to you in the mists of life. You relate to it, you constantly redefine and try to understand it. It might be one of those things that, understanding might never come, but it’s the journey through experience that explains itself somewhere along the line. I believe the way a culture, a society, or country move through any period of time is in direct proportion to the mentality (or daimonic) of the individual’s in that culture, and or timeframe.
The Daimonic is the urge in every being to grow, to affirm itself, assert itself, perpetuate itself, and increase itself. It is like the inborn gene to grow, to get bigger, we do it whether we choose to or not. It starts in the form of size; we start as infants (small) and in the start we are added to, (in terms of experience, food, knowledge, all the stimulus that are put to us, evolve us as individuals); then there is a turning point where we can decide our information; when that happens, life can be drastically, or differently imagined for everyone. I’m sure at this point, if we are aware of it, we can become in partnership with our daimonic and a chosen destiny. If we choose an intention or direction we can move and balance with it. OR we can let ourselves be dictated through it, or by it.
