Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy World Health Day!

Today, April 7th, is World Health Day. This year the theme is “international health security.” We live in a globalized world and people around the world are vulnerable to new and rapidly spreading health risks that know no boundaries. These health issues can greatly impact the collective security of people around the world.

I believe the easiest and most efficient way each person can contribute to reducing these global health risks is by simply taking care of his or her own personal health. When you are healthy and have a strong immune system, you are more likely to avoid getting sick, which in turn, keeps you from passing sickness on to others. To make our world a healthier place, you have to start with yourself.

So on this World Health Day, think about the ways to make your life healthier; add a few fruits and vegetables to your diet, drink more water, go for a walk after dinner. Maybe, today is the day to commit to quitting smoking or to sign up for the local 5k you have always wanted to do. Take a few moments to focus your energy on international health and then be thankful for your own health. Whatever it is, realize that when you improve your own health, you are helping improve the health of those around you and around the world.

- Becky