Thursday, October 11, 2007 month and counting...

One month. One month to Silverman #3. My third Silverman, my third full distance triathlon, my third 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run in one day. Sometimes I wonder if it gets harder the more I do it. I know what to expect – I know what’s coming around the corner and just over the hill – the dark, early, cold morning, the swallowed watered in my belly, the choppy waters, the rough road, the relentless hills, and the hill to come after those, the sore butt, the tired eyes, the upset stomach…the beautiful sunrise, the glow of red rock, the smooth road, the encouragements of fellow athletes and the most supportive volunteers I’ve ever known, the faces of loved ones along the road, the sight of my dad conquering the course beside me, the prolific thoughts that float through my mind, the wind carrying energy, the aid stations full of nourishment, the fresh air, the silence, the sunset, the patter of feet, the glow, the overwhelming sense of accomplishment…and what is it that we are accomplishing? We could swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26.2 miles any day. But this moment that will take place on November 11, 2007 will be a moment like any other in the fact that it is as unique as any other. All the bits and pieces, all those involved – organizers, volunteers, athletes, sponsors, spectators – together, they, we create and bring about this phenomenal event. With one missing it becomes another event. It’s difficult to locate a single wave in the ocean, but without that single wave, it’s a different ocean. This may be my third Silverman, but I have no doubt that it will be a different Silverman and one just as fantastic and exceptional as the other two.