Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Innate Ways of Nature

Epiphanies can come from anywhere, nature being one of the best sources. A ladybug landed on my hand while I was walking to the store yesterday. What was interesting was that no matter which way I tilted my hand, the ladybug always changed direction and crawled towards the top. When it got to the tip of my finger, it spread its wings and flew off.

This little insect's behavior made me think of how all nature strives upwards. Trees break through the forest canopy, flowers open to the sun, and vines crawl up a wall. It made me realize that human beings do the same thing too - aim for the top.

Deep down, even if it's not always apparent, I believe that we constantly strive for our best and look for challenge. Sometimes it is asked, how do I continue to grow? I wonder if that really is the question because inside we are naturally wired to evolve, without any deliberate decision to make it so. Just like breathing or digestion happens on its own, there is an innate impulse to seek growth in all areas of our lives; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The deception arises when things don't move forward in our lives and we blame our inadequacy or lack of drive for the undesirable circumstances surrounding us.

We might look instead at the things that block our innate flow of growth. Rather than ask the question, "Why am I so apathetic and unmotivated?", we should ask, "What are the blocks to my natural impulse for growth?" At first, it seems like both questions lead to the same answer, but for one difference. The second question presumes that the desire to grow already exists and instead focuses your task on accepting or removing blocks to that evolution.

This is why I do not necessarily believe that people need to be motivated. Given the right direction and tools to undo the obstacles to arrive at a goal, people naturally become very enthusiastic and excited to apply themselves. One definition of application is "The act of putting something to a special use or purpose." Therefore, when you have a purpose, tools to get there, and a way to undo or accept blocks as you progress, motivation naturally springs upwards from a deep and inexhaustible well.

- Alvin


Anonymous said...

Insightful and though-provoking

Anonymous said...

from ht again:
Previous comment should read...
Insightful and thought-provoking

Anonymous said...

Heya Alvin! I really admire your perception on motivation and all the other intricacies of life. Keep it up! Thanks for your inspiration :)