Thursday, February 01, 2007

Finding Love in a World Where Hate Makes the Headlines

Watching the news and reading the newspaper, I often find that accounts of hate, abhorrence and/or crime seem to make the headlines while stories of love and unity are seldom the focal point of news-reporting media. It seems that prime time could be called crime time, and I question if it has become impossible for love to become more popular than the negative accounts that are so popularly reported. However, at this time of year, we also begin to get overwhelmed with images of hearts and chocolate and roses as Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. While many see February 14th as a bit of a Hallmark holiday, I believe it is still an important holiday because of the simple idea that it celebrates love, and perhaps, for just one day, love can take the limelight.

During this season of valentines and roses, I encourage you to help keep love in the spotlight by celebrating the many forms of love that exist. For example, celebrate the wonderful love for a significant other while also honoring the love you have for your mother. Take pleasure in doing what you love, whether it is painting or riding your bike. Associate yourself with objects you adore, such as dogs or flowers. Even though people can distinguish between these different forms of love, I like to think that they are simply all a form of positive energy that is felt from deep within the soul. When you do something you really enjoy or share a moment with someone for whom you care deeply, this energy is released and a union is experienced. Love then, as a union of energy felt between people or between people and objects or activities, can spread.

This February 14th, you can do your part to release love into this world by keeping it simple. Celebrate love by doing something that releases that warm glow of energy from deep within your soul and then share that experience with someone; read a book out loud with a person who shares your dreams, turn off your TV and dance to the music, give a rose (or even just a smile) to a stranger on the street. Share your love with someone else and in return, savor the love that someone shares with you. If we all release just a little bit of love into this world and openly receive love that is given to us, perhaps we will find that it is possible for love to become the center of our attention.

-Becky Meldrum, Soul Acrobat

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