Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Ultimate Tool

Sometimes I wonder how I can make a difference in this large world, but as I was reading Mitch Thrower’s The Power of Thought in my last issue of Triathlete, I was reminded that in this world of technologies and gadgets, there is still only one ultimate tool that lets us create our reality and make our life be what we want it to be - our brain. Between our ears, we have thousands of thoughts that occur throughout the day. As Mitch points out, according to the National Science Foundation, people think anywhere from 12,000 – 50,000 thoughts per day!! He asks: “what will you do with this new superpower?”

This is what I’ll do with this superpower – I’m going to continue to have numerous thoughts circulating, but learn how to gather the positive and beneficial thoughts. I’m not going to clear my mind of thoughts, but instead use meditation to focus on certain thoughts that bring peace, joy and community to this world. I’m also going to protect this superpower – I’m going to feed it good food, good thoughts, exercise it, and provide a clean home for it, which means I must also protect my environment, my body, and my essence.

What are you going to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thoughts = superpower, indeed.

its widely believed that one can steer one's lifepath merely by the thoughts one thinks ~ i.e. thinking negative thoughts provokes negative energy which leads to less than optimal outcome. and vise versa. how powerful, such a simple tool!