Thursday, July 24, 2008

Soul Acrobats Art At Las Vegas Lululemon Yoga Store

Las Vegas Lululemon welcomed Soul Acrobats photography by Marylene Hickok, currently a Cirque du Soleil artist in KA. Here's a video of the great event, featuring performances by former Cirque du Soleil artist Alvin Tam and dancer-painter Jaime Tam.

You can visit Marylene's gallery at Soul Acrobats here.


Health and Peace,

P.S.: Thanks for all the responses we've been getting from our last survey. We are still developing the product, but it'll look something like an e-book with audio interviews and will be somewhere between $60 and $70. It will definitely focus on increasing energy in mind and body and managing and overcoming fears. Thanks for all your feedback -- the product will be out within weeks!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Deeper Truths

As some of you may already know, I am training for my very first adventure race. What is an adventure race you ask?

Well it is a 12 hour or more trek across barren desert on a mountain bike and whatever is on your feet. The event is mixed in with bouts of swimming and kayaking. This is not a solo sport - you have team members, navigation skills, and immense strategy.

My realization that I want to share with you this week is that I fell into the trap of telling others about the adventure race because it would feed my ego. In fact, whenever I told somebody I was going to do this race, I emphasized how little I knew about it, thereby magnifying the WOW factor of actually doing it.

My dear guide Carrie and my lovely fiancee Jaime turned the mirror quickly in my face and made me ask myself, why am I doing this race? Why would I want to push myself so hard? Is it all just for momentary admiration or is there something deeper?

I realized there is greater depth in doing this race but I let ego take over for a while - like a cloud obscuring the true radiance of the sun. I realized that I really do love to explore, mountain bike and be in nature. That is the reason I am doing this race.

So... I leave you with this thought. What do you brag about, boast about, talk about repeatedly that is merely a way to reinforce your ego? Your sense of status, achievement, power? And then... what is the true motivation behind those activities? You may discover something quite sincere, quite true, yet covered by a different (and false) story.

Happy Uncoverings,