We are often told that our inside determines the outside - that thoughts create our actions, our actions create our reality. I believe this is true but the other half of the equation is also missing. The outside - our physiology - can shape our inside as well.
The body is like a fine musical instrument and we have the pleasure of playing anything we want through it - any style, be it rock, classical or thrash. Our created reality is the style we choose, our unique signature, our essential imprint on the world. What's interesting though is that if your instrument (you) is not in tune or is bent out of shape, the fullness of your expression will be distorted and diffused.
Our bodies are able to shape themselves into the form we want them to. It's like having a magical musical instrument that can emulate a guitar, piano, flute or violin at will. Similarly our physiology transforms to allow us to communicate happiness, sadness, anger, love.
The role of an acrobat is just that - to adapt, transmute and create forms that allow the greatest expression of the moment via this organic instrument. So even if you are not executing triple twists, you are still acrobatic as you discover ways to express your present elan, or impulse. This is the essence of Soul Acrobatics.
What is curious is that we can shape our bodies to change how we feel and think inside. The street is two-way; the lifting of the chest, the relaxing of the shoulders, the straightening of the spine all influence our thoughts, just as thoughts determine our outward physiology. So the next time you feel afraid, or lack confidence, remember to not only drive your thoughts into your body, but to push your body into your thoughts.
Be aware to not fake your physical presence however and confuse it with genuine solidity. Only by focusing your attention on your physicality as you change it will bring about a deep conviction and sincere state of mind. "Thinking" of how tough you are as you puff out your chest is a sure road to self-trickery and constant disillusion.
So allow the traffic to run both ways on the road. Harness the power of choice by making conscious thought a seed for your desired reality. At the same time, master the body's ability to transform itself to inspire the thoughts and emotions that create the state of mind you want. Either way, the purpose is to express yourself whether you play the instrument or the instrument plays you.
- Alvin
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