Sunday, January 29, 2006

My very first Blog

I guess for my very first Blog, not to mention the first time I’ve published something on the Internet, as well as, going to co-author a soon to follow self published book; I would like to introduce myself. I am, I am being, and I would like to become - Darren Dos Santos!
I have been working (maybe try not use the word “working”), thinking, acting and co- creating with Alvin (the creator of this site), Christian, and Marylene to get Soul Acrobatics established. Over the previous four months together, we have been collecting, rationalizing and filtering the experiences, perceptions, people, decisions, directions and time so that we may define what it means to be a “Soul Acrobat”. Trying to collect our truth and how we view the world; I guess “our world”. We would like to share it, and build on it.
(Side note on the chosen word “filtering” – filter all the abundance of time, experience, words, needs, wants, good, bad, indifference, ect…. , so that we can build our ideas and metaphors for Soul Acrobatics)
I’ll try introduce my writing, which is an extension of my fingers, my hands, my arms, all the way up to my brain, then my thoughts, then even further to my mind, and then from there I get a bit lost (but always questioning). So in essence my writing is my thoughts, so we can assume; so is most other things? (Although my knowledge of writing, and words I feel in general are limited to be able get some points across). I seem to write with a lot of questions. Almost conversational - within myself, within the writing itself (the words) and you the reader (the co-creator of these words).
My purpose – well lots – but firstly, to simply -- think – (you included)
(The paradox in that; simply – to think – Hmm??)
I would like you the co-creator to try and read in the first person, meaning to ask yourself the questions, try and answer them, right them down, ask someone else, save the question(s), (see how answers differ or if they’re the same).
Chances are, more times than not, your going to say that’s impossible, or there’s no way, or it doesn’t exist, or that’s bulls*!t, (trying not to offend anyone). If you say any of those words, - it becomes truth – your truth! – it’s identifying your truth with others that seems to be the tricky part. For instance --- I can do a trick (acrobatically) it might seem impossible at the time to the person I’m teaching! So the question is; how is it translated in time, experience, understanding, knowledge and feeling, so in those moments we rationalize, we experience, we know, we feel? Will it then be possible?
I will try to be grammatically correct, spelling and such, but sometimes I can’t seem to get my point across using the boundaries that are set forth. Sometimes it might be difficult to decipher the codes, the extreme levels that I sometimes talk or write in. So I will need feedback, or if misunderstood please ask, please enlightening me. However, I do my very best, as in life, to be very aware, or better yet conscious of what I write, the words, and the spelling I use (however, there are glitches, and I’m not the best speller, hence the reason for writing things like this and our book. (Always trying to acquire more knowledge and wisdom). There is always purpose, and reasoning in what ever we do! (Remember to read in first person – “we” – meaning you too).



Anonymous said...

nice writing dude! when's the next one coming?

Anonymous said...

Once you make a decision..
Dont look back since there could be technically no BEST decision
in our life.
What we can do is to make our decision BEST with
all efforts and understanding I think...right Dacos?
tres nice writing by the way..
cheers bro.


Anonymous said...

i think your right -- there's only good a better decisions! but there's only a few decisions that should be made when trying to land a triple back flip! its best to be prepared to make those decisions, then coordinate other choices to adjust accordingly! therin stickin your landing!

Anonymous said...

" A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step". You are doing fine. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

When landing a triple back flip it is too late to make decisions, refinements perhaps, but you are beyond the realm of the rational at that point.
Have you invested enough in your autopilot to be confident that you will not self distruct on landing?

Be prepared to be unprepared

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