Friday, August 15, 2008

Acrobatic Demo by Alvin at Martial Arts School

It's been 2 weeks since our last blog because I was up in Canada getting married! Jaime and I had a wonderful wedding on 8-8-08 and, if any of you are interested, please email me and I'll send you a photo. (

Our last blog had to do with INCREASING YOUR ENERGY. Coincidentally I did an acrobatic demonstration for the Las Vegas ATA Karate for Kids School which have monthly themes and their theme this month is POWER.

Watch this 1 minute video now:

In this short video I mention very briefly about how to raise your power, or your ENERGY. I don't get into in the video but I'll explain quickly what I was talking about:

Raising your energy is about knowing where to put your energy. A common misconception is that increasing your energy is about GETTING MORE energy. The truth is that we are surrounded by nearly limitless sources of energy and the focus is on knowing WHERE to put your available energy.

The first step to knowing where to put your energy starts with building awareness. For example, if you consistently lack power when you play sports, you need to become aware of where you are exerting power. Do you use energy while you should be resting? Do you use energy to activate muscles that have nothing to do with the movement? Do you waste mental energy by projecting your focus into the future or the past instead of being present?

I hope this short blog has sparked a few answers for you regarding energy and power.

Health and Peace,

P.S.: These are the questions that we address in The ENERGY Accelerator which we are still working on. As soon as it is ready in a couple of weeks, we'll let you know first!

By the way, the next blog will be a posted video of an improvised Drum and Dance workshop that Jaime and I did for Lululemon Athletica while we in Canada last week.

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