Friday, August 01, 2008

Increase Your Energy

We had many great responses from you. Some of your questions were:

1. “How do I stay motivated to be more active (not necessarily exercise - just move)?”

2. “What can I do to have more energy (what food, stress relief strategies, self talk, etc)?”

3. “My biggest obstacle is procrastination. I need help with disciplining myself... help with focusing on the immediate that requires attention.”

4. “I just think you all are amazing - you say you are are going to do something and it happens - so I guess a question would be - does it all just flow or do you really have to get creative to make your life move forward like you do?”

I wanted to share with you a few of the excerpts from our book in development, called The ENERGYTM Accelerator. Here's a few excerpts:

Excerpt 1 from
The ENERGYTM Accelerator:
You are constantly using and projecting energy at all times, whether your thoughts are positive or negative. When a person claims to lack energy, there is in fact no such thing as a lack of energy, only a misdirection of energy. The same energy that went into creating a negative thought can instead by used to create a positive thought. This is the main principle of “directing your energy” first.

Excerpt 2 from The ENERGYTM Accelerator:

Most people say that they want to have an even, consistent energy level. If you want to have an even, consistent level of energy, the first thing to do is to change your perception of what energy is and how it is acquired.
Excerpt 3 from The ENERGYTM Accelerator:

Much of our societal teachings encourage us to work harder, study more, or become greater, in order to achieve goals. These teachings assume that you begin at an inferior level and must rise to a superior place in order to be successful. In other words, you begin with little and must accumulate more and more until you are “complete”. We naturally carry this mindset over to the concept of energy as well.
I was planning to release the book by early August but there is so much more material to cover than I thought. Also (P.S.) I have some important dates coming up (I'm getting married next Friday to lovely Jaime) so I will be a little occupied! If you haven't had a chance to meet my lovely soon-to-be wife, you can click here for a picture of her.

Thanks for your patience, I hope you enjoyed these short thoughts on energy!

Health and Peace,

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